Addrizzo-Harris Doreen

Addrizzo-Harris Doreen
Doreen J. Addrizzo-Harris, MD, is a pulmonary/critical care physician with an extensive background in bronchiectasis and non-tuberculous mycobacterial infection and medical education. Dr. Addrizzo-Harris is currently a Professor of Medicine at the NYU Grossman School of Medicine. She serves as the Associate Division Director for Clinical and Faculty Affairs, is the Director of the NYU Bronchiectasis and NTM Program, and is Co-Director of the NYU Pulmonary Faculty Practice. She is now serving in her 21st year as the Program Director of NYU’s Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Fellowship.
Dr. Addrizzo-Harris received her medical degree and completed her residency and fellowship training at New York University School of Medicine. Since completing her training, she was recruited to stay as a faculty member at NYU, where she has been a critical presence over the past 26 years. She has been instrumental in educating the next generation of pulmonary/critical care physicians and has won a number of awards for her teaching skills, most recently, the 2020 first place Program Director of the ATS Best Practice Program. Dr. Addrizzo-Harris has served on the board of the Association of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Program Directors (APCCMPD), including serving as President from 2006-2007. Academically she authored 45 peer-reviewed publications and 63 scientific abstracts presented at international conferences. She has participated in numerous clinical trials, many as the principal investigator. Dr. Addrizzo-Harris has been recognized as a Distinguished CHEST Educator each year since its inception since 2017, received the Distinguished Service Award in 2019 and the 2021 Master Clinician Educator Award.
During her leadership tenure with CHEST, Dr. Addrizzo-Harris has served on the Marketing Committee, the Health and Science Policy Committee (Chair from 2007-2009), Government Relations Committee, Scientific Program Committee, Education Committee, Governance Committee, Editorial Board for CHEST Physician, Professional Standards Committee (Chair 2016-2018), Board of Regents, and CHEST Foundation Board of Trustees. Most recently, Dr. Addrizzo-Harris served as the President of the CHEST Foundation from 2018-2019 and Co-Chair of the Foundation Awards Committee from 2015-2020. Dr. Addrizzo-Harris will serve as the sixth woman to lead the American College of Chest Physicians
Tim Aksamit

Tim Aksamit
T.R. Aksamit 5 Apr 2022 Tim Aksamit is a consultant and associate professor in the pulmonary disease and critical care medicine division of Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA. Dr. Aksamit received his undergraduate degree in chemistry from the University of Illinois in Urbana, IL; medical degree from Northwestern University in Chicago, IL, and medical training in internal medicine as well as pulmonary and critical care medicine at the University of Iowa in Iowa City where he also was a chief resident. Additional research was completed at Hammersmith Hospital in London, U.K. Prior to joining the staff at Mayo Clinic in 1998 he was in private practice in Madison, WI. He has also previously served as the director of the medical intensive care unit at St. Mary’s Hospital Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota. Dr. Aksamit’s research and clinical interests have focused on mycobacterial disease and bronchiectasis. He has co-authored a previous international statement by the American Thoracic Society and Infectious Disease Society of America on the diagnosis and treatment of nontuberculous mycobacterial disease and served as chair of the U.S. Bronchiectasis and NTM Research Registry. He is currently the medical director for Bronchiectasis and NTM360 for the COPD Foundation and co-chair of World Bronchiectasis Day. He has collaborated and closely worked as an investigator on a number of multicenter clinical trials and research projects with international colleagues in Europe, Australia, and Japan involving bronchiectasis and mycobacterial pulmonary disease. He has additionally served as a scientific advisor for the EMBARC European bronchiectasis registry and each of the four World Bronchiectasis and NTM Conferences in Hannover, Milan, Washington D.C. and Barcelona. Other positions held include past chair of the State of Minnesota Tuberculous Advisory Committee as well as current director of the Mayo Mycobacterial and Bronchiectasis Clinic and medical director of Chaplain Services Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota.t.
Sanjay Chotirmall

Sanjay Chotirmall
Sanjay H. Chotirmall A/Prof Chotirmall is an internationally recognized clinician-scientist with an established translational respiratory research group at the Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, NTU Singapore. To date, he has performed key work on endo-phenotyping pulmonary infection, including the use of next generation sequencing approaches, in the context of chronic inflammatory respiratory diseases that have led to publications in Nature Medicine, the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), the Lancet Respiratory Medicine and the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine (AJRCCM). He has been appointed Provost’s Chair in Molecular Medicine at NTU Singapore since 2019 and leads "The Academic Respiratory Initiative for Pulmonary Health (TARIPH)", an interdisciplinary national academic initiative that aligns strategic academic expertise across Singapore to benefit Singaporeans with lung disease through research. He currently serves as Deputy Editor at the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine (AJRCCM).
Raja Dhar

Raja Dhar
MBBS(Cal), MD (Resp Med), MRCP (UK),
MSc (Evidence Based Medicine, UK),
CCT (Respiratory and General Medicine UK),
FCCP (USA), FICS (Indian Chest Society)
Diploma in Palliative Care (Newcastle University)
Certificate in Education (Teeside University) Director and Head of Dept, Pulmonology, C K group of Hospitals, Kolkata. Director Research and Education, National Allergy Asthma Bronchitis Institute, Kolkata. Chair- Training and Education Initiatives, Indian Chest Society ICS National Representative for the ERS Governing Body Member of the Indian Chest Society Director, First two HERMES exams Asia (European Diploma in Respiratory Medicine) Governing Body Member Indian Academy of Bronchology Joint Secretary Indian Academy of Allergy Founder Member South East Asian Academy of Sleep Medicine 124 International and National publications in indexed journals and Abstracts along with 17 Book Chapters. Associate Editor for Respirology and on Editorial Board for multiple other journals Dronocharya Award for Excellence in Continuing Medical Education in India (IHW) Coordinator for DNB course for the last 5 year. The first DNB Respiratory course in Bengal
Pieter C. Goeminne

Pieter C. Goeminne
Pieter Goeminne is a respiratory physician and staff member at AZ Nikolaas, Sint-Niklaas, Belgium. He achieved his PhD on the topic of bronchiectasis in 2013 at the University of Leuven and remains a scientific collaborator at the University Hospital of Leuven, Belgium where he supports research on bronchiectasis. He is the chair of the Infectious Disease Working group of the Belgian Respiratory Society and is the author of international peer-reviewed papers. He is also a reviewer for several journals and actively takes part in the EMBARC project.
Charles S. Haworth

Charles S. Haworth
Charles Haworth is Director of the Cambridge Centre for Lung Infection at Royal Papworth Hospital. He co-chaired the US CF Foundation and ECFS NTM guidelines published in Thorax in 2015 and the British Thoracic Society NTM guidelines published in 2017. He also co-authored the BTS bronchiectasis and ERS bronchiectasis guidelines published in 2017 and 2019. He collaborates with Professor Andres Floto at the University of Cambridge on NTM related studies and is a member of the European Union funded “Inhaled Antibiotics in Bronchiectasis and Cystic Fibrosis (iABC)” and “CFMATTERS” consortia. He is co-chief investigator of three international novel therapy clinical trials in people with bronchiectasis and is a member of the EMBARC Steering Committee and Scientific Committee. He is a site Principal Investigator for the European Cystic Fibrosis Society Clinical Trials network, a member of the ECFS Scientific Committee, a member of the CF Trust Strategic Implementation Board and a member of the CF Foundation Data Safety Monitoring Board.
Merete Long

Merete Long
Dr Merete Long was named one of the best young scientists in her field for her work in understanding why some people continue to suffer after being infected with Covid-19.
She was awarded the British Association of Lung Research Early Career Investigator Award at the British Thoracic Society Winter Meeting after delivering a presentation on her research into neutrophils, which are white blood cells that act as the immune system’s first line of defence, and the role they play in Covid-19 infection.
The postdoctoral researcher’s study showed changes within neutrophils were linked to delayed recovery and highlighted neutrophils as potential therapeutic targets in long Covid.
Pamela J McShane

Pamela J McShane
Pamela (P.J.) McShane is a Chicago area native who attended Loyola University for both her undergraduate Bachelor of Science (biology) and Medical Doctorate degrees. For medical school, she received the Health Professions Scholarship from the U.S. Military. After completing an Internal Medicine residency and one year of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine fellowship in Rochester, NY, Dr. McShane entered the U.S. Air Force as a staff physician. During her four years of active duty in the U.S. Air Force, Dr. McShane deployed twice to Iraq, where she served as a Critical Care physician in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. After completion of her military service, Dr. McShane returned to Chicago where she completed her Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine fellowship at the University of Chicago. During fellowship training, Dr. McShane developed a clinical and research interest in bronchiectasis and nontuberculous mycobacteria. After her fellowship, Dr. McShane remained at the University of Chicago as a faculty member where she continued to focus her career on bronchiectasis patients. Dr. McShane went on to work in the field of nontuberculous mycobacteria at the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland. Most recently, Dr. McShane has moved to the University of Texas Health Science Center in Tyler, Texas where she runs a busy bronchiectasis and nontuberculous mycobacteria clinical practice.
Lucy Morgan

Lucy Morgan
Lucy Morgan is a Respiratory Physician working in clinical academic practice in Sydney. She has 20 year’s experience in the care of patients with chronic respiratory infections and is Chair of the Australasian Bronchiectasis Consortium, a proud antipodean member of the EMBARC program and co-convenor of the WBCII. Lucy is the Director of the Australian Centre for Ciliary Structure and Function and the multidisciplinary PCD Management service at Concord Hospital. She is a passionate advocate for patients with chronic lung disease and holds executive positions on the TSANZ and Lung Foundation Australia.
Amelia Shoemark

Amelia Shoemark
Amelia completed a PhD at Imperial College London on non-invasive measurement of Inflammation in bronchiectasis. She is currently a PI at the University of Dundee where she conducts a research program investigating cilia function in bronchiectasis. She has a specialist interest in the inherited condition Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia (PCD) and is Chair of the BEAT-PCD clinical research consortium and a clinical scientist leading the PCD diagnostic laboratories at the Royal Brompton Hospital in London. Bronchiectasis is the major cause of morbidity in patients with PCD and her research therefore focuses on diagnosis and characterisation of genetic defects in PCD, and more broadly in understanding the role of mucociliary clearance in the development of bronchiectasis in children and adults. She is lead of the EMBARC BRIDGE study, an international endotyping study in bronchiectasis and has published >100 peer review articles on the topic of bronchiectasis, inflammation, and ciliary function.
Michal Shteinberg

Michal Shteinberg
Dr. Shteinberg received her MD and a PhD in biochemistry from the Technion- Israel institute of technology. Having trained in Internal Medicine and Pulmonology, she then specialized in adult CF and bronchiectasis. Dr. Shteinberg heads the bronchiectasis and adult CF unit in the Pulmonology institute and CF center in Carmel Medical Center and Clalit Health Services in Haifa, Israel. She is a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Faculty of medicine at the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, and serves as a member of the executive committee of the Israeli Pulmonology Society. Main research interests are bronchiectasis and its overlap with other airway diseases, mainly rhinosinusitis, as well as NTM-pd and other airway infections. In adult CF she is focused on airway infection and in reproductive issues in women with CF. Dr. Shteinberg is a member of the European EMBARC bronchiectasis collaboration management board, and heading Patient Activities Work package, working closely with the European Lung Foundation patient advisory board.
Oriol Sibila

Oriol Sibila
Dr. Oriol Sibila, MD, Ph.D. is an Medical Doctor at The Hospital de la Santa Creu y Sant Pau. His research interests are Pulmonary Medicine, Human Pulmonary, Pulmonary Hypertension, Respiratory Health, Respiratory Diseases, Tobacco Usage. Dr. Oriol Sibila, the pneumologist, and leader of the section of Respiratory Cures of the Hospital clínic explains the project Pneumocovid at TV3. Among other topics, he answers questions on the influence of the air-conditioned in the contagion of the coronavirus, and he talks of the use of masks and the pulmonary sequels that the virus can leave.
Arietta Spinou

Arietta Spinou
I have a very strong academic background and excellent competencies in Respiratory Physiotherapy.
I was awarded a PhD in Respiratory Medicine for my thesis "Assessment of health status and cough in bronchiectasis" (King's College London) and an MSc in Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy (UCL).
I have 12 years of clinical experience in a wide range of working environments and clinical settings in UK, Finland and Greece. I am also a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and have a PGCert in Academic Practice in Higher Education.
Tobias Welte

Tobias Welte
Tobias Welte is Professor of Pulmonary Medicine and Director of the Department of Pulmonary and Infectious Diseases at Hannover University School of Medicine, Hannover, Germany. He received his doctorate in respiratory medicine from Hannover University in 1994 and his habilitation in 2000. Previously, Professor Welte held the position of Professor of Pneumology and Intensive Care Medicine at the University of Magdeburg, Germany, and was also a specialist in infectious diseases at that institution.
Professor Welte is the President of the European Respiratory Society. He is the Past President of the German Society of Pneumology and the Vice President of the German Society of Sepsis and has been previously the President of the German Society of Internal Intensive Care (DGIN). He also serves on the executive board of the German Society of Critical Care (DIVI). In addition, he is an executive board member of the German Center for lung research (DZL), and internal advisory board member of the German Center for Infectious Disease Research (DZIF), a member of the review panel for clinical studies of the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the chairman of the Community-acquired Pneumonia (CAPNETZ) foundation. As well as being on the editorial board of the European Respiratory Journal , Respiratory Medicine and Thoracic Cardiovascular Surgeon, he has been the the chief editor of the European Respiratory Monograph until 2015 and is Editor of a number of German-language journals. Besides this he serves as a reviewer for many other journals in his field of expertise.
Professor Welte leads a multicentre research group focusing on the epidemiology, diagnosis and management of respiratory infections and the pathophysiology and treatment of obstructive airway disease. He has published around 800 papers in peer-reviewed journals and contributed to chapters in over 150 books.
Kevin Winthrop

Kevin Winthrop
Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, OR, USA Kevin L. Winthrop, Professor of Public Health, Infectious Diseases, and Ophthalmology at Oregon Health and Science University, is a former staff infectious disease epidemiologist from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Division of Tuberculosis Elimination. He has co-authored over 300 publications, many detailing the epidemiologic and clinical aspects of nontuberculous mycobacterial diseases (NTM), tuberculosis, and other infections associated with rheumatic diseases and biologic immunosuppressive therapies. Clinically, he provides regional consultations for mycobacterial diseases and other chronic chest infections and serves as the medical consultant to the Oregon Public Health Division’s TB control program. His Center for Infectious Disease Studies has served as the lead institution and coordinating center for multiple cohort studies and clinical trials. He has served as a primary or senior investigator in many of these clinical and epidemiologic studies, and frequently collaborates with the Pulmonary Department on studies related to bronchiectasis. He founded the NTM Research Consortium and associated Clinical Trials Network which facilitate collaborative, multi-site grants and clinical trials among patients with NTM. He is a member of the graduate faculty at OHSU where he mentors public health students, medical students, and physicians in post-graduate training.