127 abstract submitted
Abstract submission is now closed.
The best abstracts will be published on Multidisciplinary Respiratory Medicine
in a special issue on bronchiectasis.
- Epidemiology of bronchiectasis
- Investigations, aetiology and pathophysiology of bronchiectasis
- Clinical and radiological aspects of bronchiectasis
- Exacerbation of bronchiectasis
- Non-tuberculous mycobacteria
- Chronic Infection and antibiotic / anti-inflammatory treatment in bronchiectasis
- Physiotherapy, pulmonary rehabilitation and surgery in bronchiectasis
- Cystic Fibrosis
Click here to view the abstract(s) you submitted
Selection Criteria
The Scientific Committee could accept or not the abstracts. The main selecting criteria will be the relevancy and scientific value of the abstract presented in relation with the conference topics.
The Scientific Committee will also decide if the work is eligible for Oral Presentation or Poster Presentation.
Submitters will receive acceptance confirmation within 8 June with specification of the type of presentation for which their abstract has been accepted.
Chosen presenters should be registered participants to the congress (early registration deadline : 12 June 2017).
Rising Stars
Submitters under 42 are eligible to benefit from the “rising stars” programme that includes:
• 15’ minutes oral presentation in plenary room followed by question time and kind advise by the Presidents of the conference
• Financial support for travel and accommodation
• Visibility on the conference website and conference newsletter
In case you want to be considered for the rising stars programme please upload your CV showing your date of birth.
Poster Awards
Poster presenters could be eligible to win the Poster Award for best poster.
Poster Award Winners will get:
• Presenter’s name, profile, abstract and poster published on the conference website
• Presenter’s name and title of the abstract published on the post–congress newsletter distributed to more than 6.000 European Professionals in Respiratory Medicine.
Poster Awards winners will be selected during the Poster session in the afternoon of Friday 7 July 2017 and / or in the morning of Saturday 8 July.
Abstracts Submission Procedure